Cedarhurst on the Bay
Welcome to a community that is the antithesis of today's modern developments of tract mansions and trophy homes built on what use to be someone's cornfield. Welcome to a neighborhood where people say hello and neighbors know each other. A Chesapeake Bay community proud of it's long heritage and focused on it's future. Come on down and meet us!
Established in 1921 as a summer colony for those seeking refuge from the cities of Washington and Baltimore, Cedarhurst has evolved into a vibrant picturesque bayside community of some 300 homes nestled on Maryland's Western shore of the Chesapeake Bay. Tucked away on the quaint Shady Side peninsula, we are a close neighbor to Annapolis and convenient to both Washington and Baltimore.
The Community Pier is a fully restored pier and gazebo that stretches out into the bay for fishing, crabbing, swimming and strolling, or maybe just watching the geese fly by on an autumn day.

The Community House is perched on the south point overlooking the bay. Many community social events take place here, as well as regular meetings of the Cedarhurst Citizens Association. This facility is available for residents to reserve. Our original historic building was constructed in 1929 and faithfully served the needs of the community until it was destroyed in 2003 by Hurrican Isabel. The new building was completed in 2007.
The Community Harbor has over 80 slips and direct access to the bay. It serves both power and sail boats. Slips can be reserved by community members.

The Cedarhurst Citizens Association is overseen by a volunteer group made up of a wide range of residents who work to maintain our community. An elected board of directors and the association coordinate the revenues of the community, giving all a vested interest in the stewardship of the community. The group also sponsors social events throughout the year. Meetings are held at the Community House.

Cedarhurst’s community-owned waterfront property is an expansive four acres, something almost unique on the entire bay. The panoramic views are beautiful: Waterfowl, sunrises, sailboats and watermen working their crab pots to name but a few. Cedarhurst’ s community property is a combination of well-maintained lawns and carefully managed wetlands, playgrounds, ball fields, benches, picnic areas and some special resources that are our pride and joy.